Movie "The Fantasticks" (2000)

    Movie's ratings

    " Try To Remember The First Time The Magic Happened."
    Runtime 1 hr 26 min
    Budget $10 000 000
    Premiere: World February 5, 2002
    Box Office – Budget – $9 950 334
    Premiere: USA $49 666 September 22, 2000
    theaters 6
    rollout 101 days
    Digital: World March 20, 2007
    Production Companies Michael Ritchie ProductionsSullivan Street ProductionsThe Radmin Company


    A mysterious fair that comes to a small community in the countryside could make real the illusions of two teenagers.

    Сast and Crew


    The film was a pet project of Ritchie's, having been a huge fan of the original stage production. The theatrical production traditionally is performed on a bare stage with two-piece musical accompaniment, while the film adaptation transposed the action to the farm country of the 1920s American West, affecting a look similar to Oklahoma!, and most of the songs were rearranged for a full orchestra. Additionally, the songs were performed live by the actors, rather than dubbed in afterwards, as is the usual practice with a musical film.

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