Movie "Ice Cream Man" (1994)

    Movie's ratings

    " I scream, you scream, we all scream for the…"
    Runtime 1 hr 26 min
    Budget $2 000 000
    Premiere: World December 20, 2021
    Premiere: USA May 9, 1995
    Parental Advisory Violence & Gore, Frightening & Intense Scenes, ...
    • Violence & Gore


    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Profanity


    • Sex & Nudity


    Production Companies David M. Goldstein ProductionsDoublesteen Productions


    Poor Gregory. After being released from the Wishing Well Sanatorium, all he wants to do is make the children happy. So Gregory reopens the old ice cream factory, and all the unappreciative brats are reprocessed into the flavor of the day.

    Сast and Crew


    In a 1950s American suburb, young Gregory Tudor witnesses his local ice cream man, known as the "Ice Cream King," getting murdered in a drive-by shooting. In the present, Gregory has taken over the "King's" business, calling himself the Ice Cream Prince, and using the man's truck and ice cream parlor. Unbeknownst to the public, Gregory is putting gruesome ingredients in his ice cream such as insects, blood, and body parts, and is using the dilapidated ice cream parlor as a sort of laboratory in which he produces his concoctions.

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