Movie "The Leading Man" (1996)

    Movie's ratings

    " Indecent. Immoral. Irresistible. It’s the role he was born to play."
    Runtime 1 hr 40 min
    Premiere: World December 12, 1996
    Premiere: USA $18 012 March 6, 1998
    theaters 3
    rollout 301 days
    Production Companies BMG Independents


    A successful playwright falls in love with his new actress Hilary (Thandie Newton) and, in an attempt to leave his wife Elena (Anna Galiena) without incident, recruits a handsome Hollywood actor (Jon Bon Jovi) to seduce her.

    Сast and Crew


    On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds a 69% approval rating, based on 16 reviews with an average rating of 6.2/10. While enjoying performances by most of the cast, critics have given the film mixed reviews. Film4 argued about whether it is considered to be a comedy, drama or both, with neither making a large impression. The New York Times reviewed the film as "watchable without being gripping". Roger Ebert rated it 3 out of 4, "But the climax does not, I'm afraid, do justice to the setup."

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