Movie's ratings

    " Comfort Is an Illusion."
    Spoken Language
    Runtime 1 hr 44 min
    Budget $15 000 000
    Premiere: World $2 496 248 March 15, 2024
    USA $2 480 645
    Other countries $15 603
    Box Office – Budget – $12 503 752
    Premiere: USA $2 480 645 January 19, 2024
    first day $524 695
    first weekend $1 304 270
    rollout 338 days
    Digital: World April 2, 2024
    Parental Advisory Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    Production Companies Focus FeaturesSight Unseen Pictures
    Also Known As


    A young man is recruited into a secret society of magical black people who dedicate their lives to a cause of utmost importance: making white people’s lives easier.

    Сast and Crew


    The American Society of Magical Negroes is a satire of the Magical Negro trope. It was developed by Kobi Libii as part of the Sundance's Screenwriters and Directors Lab. In March 2021, SFFILM confirmed that the film was awarded the 2021 Dolby Institute Fellowships, earning industry guidance and a cash grant enabling them to work with a sound designer at the screenwriting stage.

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