Movie's ratings

    2475 7525


    The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Original Motion Picture Score)

    Different stars

    • 1 John WilliamsThe Lost World 3:34
    • 2 John WilliamsThe Island Prologue 5:03
    • 3 John WilliamsMalcolm's Journey 5:44
    • 4 John WilliamsThe Hunt 3:30
    • 5 John WilliamsThe Trek 5:24
    • 6 John WilliamsFinding Camp Jurassic 3:03
    • 7 John WilliamsRescuing Sarah 4:00
    • 8 John WilliamsHammond's Plan 4:31
    • 9 John WilliamsThe Raptors Appear 3:43
    • 10 John WilliamsThe Compys Dine 5:07
    • 11 John WilliamsThe Stegosaurus 5:20
    • 12 John WilliamsLudlow's Demise 4:27
    • 13 John WilliamsVisitor in San Diego 7:38
    • 14 John WilliamsFinale / Jurassic Park Theme 7:54


    " Based on the novel by Michael Crichton."
    Spoken Language
    Runtime 2 hr 9 min
    Budget $73 000 000
    Premiere: World $618 638 999 May 22, 1997
    USA $229 086 679
    Other countries $389 552 320
    Box Office – Budget $545 638 999
    Premiere: USA $229 086 679 May 19, 1997
    first day $21 605 385
    first weekend $72 132 785
    rollout 223 days
    Digital: World August 28, 2012
    Parental Advisory Frightening & Intense Scenes, Violence & Gore, ...
    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Violence & Gore


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Profanity


    Production Companies Universal PicturesAmblin EntertainmentDigital Image Associates
    Also Known As


    A research team is sent to the Jurassic Park Site B island to study the dinosaurs there, while an InGen team approaches with another agenda.

    Сast and Crew


    After the release of the novel, Jurassic Park in 1990, Michael Crichton was pressured by fans for a sequel. Having never written one, he initially refused. While shooting the novel's film adaptation, director Steven Spielberg believed that if a sequel were made, it would involve the retrieval of a canister that contained dinosaur DNA lost during the events of the first film. Talk of a sequel film began after the 1993 release of Jurassic Park, which was a financial success. Spielberg held discussions with David Koepp and Crichton, who wrote the previous film, to talk about possible ideas for a sequel. The production schedule for a second Jurassic Park film was dependent on whether Crichton would write a sequel to the first novel.

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    The characters are different, but the essence is the same. The story is still just as cool. Jeff Goldblum came to the fore, together with Julianne Moore and Vince Vaughn, saving the city of New York from the monsters of the Jurassic period. Good and bad people unite. And this is the strong message of the tape. I recommend Translated to English


    …senseless and merciless moralizing, a lot of dark scenes, the surprise effect of the first part is missing…the film is a failure, in short. Just for fun or just for fun. Even my beloved Julianne Moore can’t save me. Translated to English


    Steven Spielberg. The number of dinosaurs has been increased compared to the first film. Herds of dinosaurs on the animal trail look truly unforgettable even at the beginning. Translated to English


    A good movie that was ruined by the actors and hackneyed, standard dialogues that were not needed in the movie at all. The acting of some actors is tempting, it is unclear whether they want to seem serious or comical. The graphics of the day of that time are unrealistically cool, even now they look great. Translated to English


    In my opinion, a worthy and interesting continuation. The graphics are better, the plot is logical, the tension is the same Translated to English