Movie "The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks" (1924)

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    Необычайные приключения мистера Веста в стране большевиков

    Runtime 1 hr 8 min
    Premiere: World April 27, 1924
    Production Companies Goskino
    Also Known As


    Experience the chronicle adventures of Mr. West and his faithful bodyguard and servant Jeddie, as they visit the land of the horrible and evil Bolsheviks.

    Сast and Crew


    A broad satire of American ignorance of the Soviet Union, the film centers on the misadventures of the naive Harold Lloyd-esq American, John West (Porfiri Podobed). West is a YMCA president from the Cleveland suburb of Brecksville, Ohio who is planning a trip to the newly founded USSR to spread the idea of the YMCA. His wife, Madge, is worried that Russia is full of savage Bolsheviks who wear primitive rags and fur for clothing, as depicted in American magazines. He takes along his cowboy friend Jeddie (Boris Barnet) for protection and as a companion.

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