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    Броненосец "Потемкин"

    " Revolution is the only lawful, equal, effectual war. It was in Russia that this war was declared and begun."
    Spoken Language
    Runtime 1 hr 11 min
    Premiere: World $61 389 November 12, 1925
    USA $51 198
    Other countries $10 191
    Premiere: USA $51 198 December 5, 1926
    first weekend $5641
    theaters 5
    rollout 718 days
    Digital: World May 28, 2008
    Parental Advisory Frightening & Intense Scenes, Violence & Gore
    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Violence & Gore


    Production Companies Goskino
    Also Known As


    In the midst of the Russian Revolution of 1905, the crew of the battleship Potemkin mutiny against the brutal, tyrannical regime of the vessel’s officers. The resulting street demonstration in Odessa brings on a police massacre.

    Сast and Crew


    On the 20th anniversary of the first Russian revolution, the commemorative commission of the Central Executive Committee decided to stage a number of performances dedicated to the revolutionary events of 1905. As part of the celebrations, it was suggested that a "... grand film shown in a special program, with an oratory introduction, musical (solo and orchestral) and a dramatic accompaniment based on a specially written text". Nina Agadzhanova was asked to write the script and direction of the picture was assigned to 27-year-old Sergei Eisenstein.

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