812filmreviews August 27, 2018 You Were Never Really Here isn’t just about the rescue of a State Senator’s daughter. Rather an expression of a single man’s...
If you’re still with the movie after the first ten minutes you’re probably with it for the long haul (and possibly for life – it l...
You don’t watch a Ramsay film – you’re consumed by it. You Were Never Really Here is the greatest testament to that.
Independent January 19, 2018 This is a stunning, gut-punch of a film though, technically adept and masterfully acted it thumps others of the genre into mush, showing...
In the end, there’s no question that what you’re watching is a masterfully-made movie, albeit one that’s easier to admire fr...
You Were Never Really Here is a powerful assault of a film, but it’s missing its director’s inimitable poetry.
The Daily Beast March 26, 2018 You Were Never Really Here is a masterpiece of monstrous beauty and grief-stricken rage that burrows under your skin and into your head, and r...
New York Times April 4, 2018 The gravity and force of Mr. Phoenix’s performance and Ms. Ramsay’s direction are impressive, but it’s hard not to feel that thei...
There are multitudes in here, but not a second is wasted. It is a brash, noisy, violent picture, but it is also a subtle, intricate, thou...
Hollywood Reporter December 26, 2018 [T]his intoxicatingly stylish work is all over the place, a hot mess at times so ravishing it sends shivers down to the toes. Unfortunately, it&rsq...
It’s a mesmerizing illustration of [Ramsay’s] ability to treasure small gestures and whispered exchanges over exposition to construct&n...
[Phoenix], the mumbling master of smug self-indulgence, dons another layer of Emperor’s new duds to favor us with a performance as subtle as...
Independent March 7, 2018 [director Lynne] Ramsay creates many memorable images and evokes a disorienting atmosphere.
The film is a bad trip so trippy you could start to enjoy its fortissimo miserabilism.
[Lynne] Ramsay shoots [john’s] operations with the same lean, clinical skill with which he executes them: a master class in melding of perfor...
TIME Magazine April 12, 2018 You Were Never Really Here is a demanding film, but it’s not a reckless one. To watch it is to see a rigorous and intensely creativ...
You Were Never Really Here presents as Ramsay’s first genre offering, ramping up the body count and bloodshed, while maintaining her usual fo...
I’d happily pay to see this movie again. And again. Phoenix and Ramsay are demonic upstarts. And for most of this movie it’s just heave...
For all of its meticulous construction and often masterful craft, the film remains something to coldly admire rather than easily embrace, often pla...
Village Voice May 31, 2017 A transcendent, at times almost dangerous film.
guidelive.com April 12, 2018 You don’t watch You Were Never Really Here. You fall into it, one shot and sound at a time.
Chicago Tribune April 12, 2018 Audiences, particularly heterosexual male audiences, still eat up the old rugged-individualist noir cliches. It’s about time a female directo...
Phoenix gives an astounding performance, bolstered by an unpredictable script and soundtrack.
Sight & Sound June 5, 2017 You Were Never Really Here is a bold piece of storytelling, with a dream-like feel that evokes its hellish, predominantly nocturnal world...
sfchronicle.com April 12, 2018 In a case of trying to run before knowing how to walk, Ramsay tries to make a different kind of action movie without bothering to master...
RogerEbert.com April 6, 2018 A taut and almost unbearably intense 90-minutes, without an ounce of fat on it. Ramsay doesn’t give you a second to breathe.
New Statesman March 15, 2018 The director, Lynne Ramsay, has a talent for arresting imagery and the generation of disturbance… Yet this, and Phoenix’s considerable s...
The Guardian May 26, 2017 The ghost of Travis Bickle haunts this nightmarish and humidly absorbing psychological drama from Lynne Ramsay.
Detroit News April 20, 2018 What it lacks in straightforward narrative structure, it makes up for in chest-level punch, and "You Were Never Really Here" lands like a blow...
In these staggeringly taut 85 minutes, Ramsay sees a hopeless universe in a jelly bean.
Ramsay is now four for four, one of our most exciting filmmakers. If she could not leave it so long next time, that’s just fine with us.
Globe and Mail April 13, 2018 We do not deserve Lynne Ramsay.
Style overwhelms substance; characters recede into a fog of endless setup accentuated with Johnny Greenwood’s meaningfully strident score.
You Were Never Really Here may be something of a blunt instrument. But it still managed to knock me out.
Lynne Ramsay has made a film that burns so much brighter and cuts so much deeper than any such story has a right to. Do you remember the first...
The Atlantic April 15, 2018 You Were Never Really Here is not a film that particularly wants you to "like" it. But with its highbrow talent and arty flourishes, it all bu...
New York Post April 5, 2018 With a jarring 11th-hour twist, [director Lynne] Ramsay leaves you pondering what menace lies beneath all those familiar sights and sounds.
Ramsay has made more sensually rapturous films, but this may be her most formally exacting: No shot or cut here is idle or extraneous.
Rolling Stone April 5, 2018 Joaquin Phoenix is simply stupendous in a revenge thriller from the brilliant Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay that gets under your skin and ma...
RogerEbert.com January 23, 2018 A film of external beauty in Ramsay’s visual language and sound design but it’s anchored by the internal work of her leading man.
The Guardian March 13, 2018 From the disorienting opening to the enigmatic finale, Lynne Ramsay is always really here, her commanding vision shining through every frame.
Toronto Star April 12, 2018 Ramsay’s screenplay is based on a novella by Jonathan Ames, which scans as the leanest of prose. Ramsay turns it into violent, visual po...
[Director Ramsay’s] return seals her standing as one of our most fearless and forceful filmmakers, if not one as prolific as she deserves to be.
Extraordinarily, Ramsay’s film is not about people; instead it uses them and their bodies to explore American systems of power, and the abuse...
It’s the kind of movie I’m glad [Ramsay] made because her interrogation of Joe’s masculinity is the sort of thing endemic to the...
Chicago Reader April 12, 2018 You Were Never Really Here amounts to more than a Taxi Driver for our time. Despite the obvious homage, this is a Ramsay film, rooted in...
Ramsay has made a terrific short story, economical as hell but also so moment-for-moment gripping that you want to pore over its every shot, i...
Enough information is provided to let us discern the rudiments of a conventional plot – but our understanding of this remains tentative...
Boston Globe April 12, 2018 Through it all walks Phoenix as Joe, and rarely has this mercurial actor seemed so simultaneously threatening and vulnerable, unstoppable and lost.
Slant Magazine April 3, 2018 Lynne Ramsay’s You Were Never Really Here could be considered artsy exploitation, a film whose formal dexterity belies its debts to its chose...
Joaquin Phoenix has never been shy about going big if the role called for it – and maybe even if the role didn’t necessarily call for it...
Sight & Sound March 13, 2018 A stunningly lean and intense avenger noir, its thriller storyline studded with cryptic flashbacks and off-kilter violence.
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