Movie's ratings



    " Some memories are best forgotten"
    Runtime 1 hr 53 min
    Budget $9 000 000
    Premiere: World $40 047 236 October 11, 2000
    USA $25 544 867
    Other countries $14 502 369
    Box Office – Budget $31 047 236
    Premiere: USA $25 544 867 March 16, 2001
    theaters 531
    rollout 291 days
    Digital: World February 22, 2011
    Parental Advisory Profanity, Frightening & Intense Scenes, Violence & Gore, ...
    • Profanity


    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Violence & Gore


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Sex & Nudity


    Production Companies Summit EntertainmentNewmarket Capital GroupTeam Todd...I Remember Productions
    Also Known As
    Amnesia United States


    Leonard Shelby, an insurance investigator, suffers from anterograde amnesia and uses notes and tattoos to hunt for the man he thinks killed his wife, which is the last thing he remembers.

    Сast and Crew


    In July 1996, brothers Christopher and Jonathan Nolan took a cross-country road trip from Chicago to Los Angeles, as Christopher was relocating his home to the West Coast. During the drive, Jonathan pitched the story for the film to his brother, who responded enthusiastically to the idea. After they arrived in Los Angeles, Jonathan left for Washington, D.C., to finish college at Georgetown University. The mysterious killer character known only as "John G." was actually an homage to Jonathan's Georgetown University screenwriting professor at the time, John Glavin. Christopher repeatedly asked Jonathan to send him a first draft, and after a few months, Jonathan complied. Two months later, Christopher came up with the idea to tell the film backwards, and began to work on the screenplay. Jonathan wrote the short story simultaneously, and the brothers continued to correspond, sending each other subsequent revisions of their respective works. Christopher initially wrote the script as a linear story, and then would "go back and reorder it the way it is on screen to check the logic of it." Nolan was also influenced by the short story "Funes the Memorius" by Jorge Luis Borges. "I think Memento is a strange cousin to 'Funes the Memorious'—about a man who remembers everything, who can’t forget anything. It’s a bit of an inversion of that."

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    friends impressions of the movie.

    Friends comments and ratings


    The film is completely unlike anything else, looks with great interest and makes a very strong impression. Not to mention the fact that Nolan reserved for the audience more than one very spectacular turn of action, which is simply breathtaking. A well-made thriller – I recommend it Translated to English


    Another cool story from a genius and his brother. The unusual type of narration forces you to get into the skin of the hero. The ending is known from the very beginning, but ignorance of the backstory haunts you and you watch with interest. And the ending, or rather the climax, turns everything upside down. Translated to English


    An interesting story told backwards, from which you begin to feel like you are in the shoes of the main character, wondering: "What is going on?" and trying to reconstruct the chronology of events from scraps of memories, tattoos and photographs. Translated to English

    A unique narrative structure at the service of the early, already brilliant Nolan. I rewatched it (for the third or fifth time: memory is an unreliable thing) after 11 years. A great script that keeps you on your toes. Eh, I wish Nolan would return to the R-rating again someday. Translated to English

    "Lenny, show him!" well, he showed it. Pierce is cool, for something elusive it’s clear that he’s not an American. "The viewer feels smart." (Serge rgv) – exhaustively. Well, that’s why it comes in.*** We have to admit: The Nolans are not innovators, but active monetizers are, after all, educated people Translated to English


    A film about a man with missing short-term memory who tests your short-term memory. Brilliant. Translated to English


    I appreciated the sight of anterograde amnesia in action, although it was difficult but quite logical, the film is wonderful. Translated to English

    You lie to yourself to be happy


    Once upon a time the grass was greener and Nolan’s films were smarter. Well what can I say, a great film from a great director. Translated to English


    a complex detective film with ambiguous investigation findings and different interpretations. They don’t make stuff like that anymore) Translated to English


    An interesting concept, presented in the most stuffy way=Christopher Nolan’s author’s view Translated to English


    De mis películas preferidas de Noland


    Wow! Nolan makes films that you want to watch an infinite number of times! This is a brilliant detective. Our deepest bow to the director and screenwriter. When watching a movie, you also need to take notes so as not to miss the main point. A must watch! Translated to English


    Christopher Nolan. Interesting in itself, but the production and storytelling simply blow your mind! An incredible puzzle that you watch with bated breath, afraid to miss or miss something. Translated to English


    "Memento" is the movie that made Christopher Nolan’s name! This alone means that viewing is required! Translated to English


    Mind blowing. DB songs! Second movie in a row.


    Looking at this, you begin to think that it is better not to give a lot of money to individual directors. The film is smart without being pretentious, emotional without being overly sentimental. Fascinating not so much because of the story, but because of its presentation. Simply put – soulful, tube Nolan. Translated to English