TV show's Ratings

Invasion (Music from the Original TV Series: Season 1)
Different stars
- 1 Max RichterInvasion Main Title 1:16
- 2 Max RichterAnd at This Frequency 2:26
- 3 Max RichterPermanently Retired 1:59
- 4 Max RichterJASA Launch 1:52
- 5 Max RichterStranded 3:16
- 6 Max RichterMissing Hinata 2:10
- 7 Max RichterCarry Chavez Out 1:57
- 8 Max RichterWhat Do We Do 3:18
- 9 Max RichterIt's the Hoshi-12 2:06
- 10 Max RichterHinata's Room 1:39
- 11 Max RichterEmergency Signal 1:32
- 12 Max RichterQuiet as a Mouse 4:13
- 13 Max RichterCleared to Leave 5:37
- 14 Max RichterAneesha's Kiss 4:19
- 15 Max RichterVastness of Space 1:49
- 16 Max RichterHinata Was Her 4:25
- 17 Max RichterComing for Casper 4:58
- 18 Max RichterListen to Your Voice 4:29
- 19 Max RichterInside the Hive Mind 2:35
- 20 Max RichterPresident's Address 4:31
- 21 Max RichterIt Was You 1:19
- 22 Max RichterHere for You 2:29
- 23 Max RichterYour Crew Is Dead 2:09
- 24 Max RichterYou're Full of Stars 2:44
Country | |
Runtime | 33 min – 1 hour |
Channel | Apple TV+ |
Digital: World | October 22, 2021 |
Parental Advisory | Frightening & Intense Scenes, Profanity, Violence & Gore, ... |
| |
Production Companies | |
Also Known As | Ray James United States |
Earth is visited by an alien species that threatens humanity’s existence. Events unfold in real time through the eyes of five ordinary people across the globe as they struggle to make sense of the chaos unraveling around them.Сast and Crew
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Critique: 54
Schwochow cross-cuts between set pieces and high-stakes action with enough handheld intensity to make you forget (or wish you had forgotten) the hi...
Individually, none of the subplots builds to anything shaped by the careful arcing of a good short story, much less to anything that gives you...
The suspense is sturdily and convincingly built, and has little to do with how events ultimately pan out, history having already spoiled us on that...
The film may be cinematic comfort food, but its creators do earn our trust and nail all the essential beats they need to along the way.
Waiting for it to finish is like sitting bored on a hard plastic chair and then realising your phone has run out of battery but the charger is pack...
Rather than so much as utter the word "alien" in these initial episodes, Invasion focuses on the global ripple effects of increasing panic – w...
Though there aren’t many laughs on the way to that Battle of the Bands, Sollett’s unassuming cast and breezy pace ensure we won’t be too bored befo...
This is one alien invasion show that couldn’t be less about aliens – and is all the better for it.
Conventional but genuine, "Metal Lords" comprehends the riot of adolescent emotions and the many ways teenagers manage them.
A sad, bold-spirited film about the see-saw of political reputation, and the treachery of hope.
There is so much unexplained in those first three episodes, and so many cliffhangers we can’t wait to see resolved.
It has fully realized characters, solid acting (Neill and Farahani always bring it) and a building dread.
The first three installments as a block, though, pay off nicely, because by episode four, even the most sci-fi agnostic will be pulled in by s...
If the movie is handsome in an oak-paneled-office way, there’s life in it too. You feel there’s something at stake for the two young wo...
"Swindler" will make those already suspicious about dating apps delete them in a hurry.
An enjoyable World War II spy flick, Munich: The Edge Of War scores with strong performances and filmmaking craft, but is let down by a lack of dra...
Despite its many structural flaws, I would be amiss if I said I didn’t enjoy every last second of this brilliantly written and gorgeousl...
Invasion proceeds so incrementally across such a wide range of characters and their responses to extraterrestrial terrorism that you might wel...
There is enough vaguely intriguing mystery, patient atmosphere-building and big-budget sheen here to ensure that the show remains entirely watchabl...
Invasion is a ten-hour season devoid of nearly all humor, where characters across the globe continually bumble around in their own misery, res...
The best one can say about something as forgettable as "The Misfits" is that if your hunger for the long-awaited "F9" entrée needs addressing...
The problem is that bigness again. In a bid to tell a sweeping story for all mankind (to borrow another strong Apple TV+ title), Invasion take...
Once various ducks have been gotten in a narrative row and the conference starts, the movie becomes pretty good.
No one involved has any idea what to do with Brosnan, burying his playful performance in a film that’s almost impressively soulless.
The humor falls flat, the action bores and the big break-in makes little sense.
"Munich" doesn’t take any unexpected turns, which makes its edge-of-your-seat developments all the more impressive.
The story belongs to its young cast, and Lords' ramshackle comedy sweetly captures the rank anxiety, random humiliations, and undiluted hope of bei...
A refreshing and often thrilling juggling of plot-threads that involve incredibly flawed or hurtful decisions made in the name of survival.
"Invasion" always feels like it’s using each far-flung story as a checklist.
I enjoyed it more than I expected… I laughed quite a bit.
The series is determined to tell, not show-relying on shots of people fleeing in terror or gaping at something offscreen, and waiting until the mid...
Equally insulting to Arabic dialects and the Muslim Brotherhood, "The Misfits" is inarguably awful, its grandiose muddle of a plot unimpr...
Metal Lords betrays rather than upholds the values of the very kids it wants to revere.
For all that money, we might have expected more. The plotting is occasionally a letdown too, bordering on infuriating.
Peter Sollett’s Metal Lords is small and patchy even by the standards of a throwaway Netflix movie that feels like it’s already been forgotten...
Didn’t Brett Ratner already make this movie, twice, between orchestrating something similar with "Tower Heist" and directing Brosnan in...
It is at times an enchanting, moving drama about love’s mysteries, not at all about the gross, fear-inducing spectacle of monstrous invaders.
A plodding bureaucratic procedural that features many, many characters strategizing in various spaces with furrowed brows and clenched jaws, mostly...
Munich – The Edge of War starts off as a prim spy thriller and ends as an insufferable civics lesson.
Sure, a cheer for gentlemanly honor. But like Chamberlain, "Munich" misses the moment.
"Metal Lords" is disappointingly formulaic, but Hunter’s restless energy keeps the picture lively, all the way up to its cathartic musical fin...
Irons gives the kind of performance you want more of as a window into the psychology of leadership, so the fact that he has to share it in so...
All the bouncy music, implausible costume changes, and conveniently omitted details in the world can’t force any fun out of a caper that...
Sex, drugs and rock n roll are on the set list, yet it plays too fast and loose, failing to achieve a good balance to make the chords rev...
A romance, bromance and good-natured send-up of teenage obsession.
Munich: The Edge of War is a sturdy, meticulously crafted ticking-clock thriller I thoroughly enjoyed.
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Won't Watch
There is Farahani in the cast and Richter’s music behind the scenes, but, apparently, garbage came out on a politically correct stick. I’ll just listen to the beautiful music of one of my favorite composers, and that’s it. Translated to English

You should not expect a rapidly developing plot from the series, the plot goes quite smoothly, without rushing. Definitely worth attention! Translated to English
Episode 2 — 3 (season 1)
The showrunners have stretched out the series as if the audience had a couple more lives left. Events shown in 10 hours, a competent editor would fit into one 2.5-hour full-length feature. Translated to English
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