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    Budget $35 000
    Production Companies 9Tkidz Productions


    Halos, Horns, and Tacos' is a web series that reflects on morality, traditional values, and popular perceptions of good and evil with a fresh and humorous twist. Most dilemmas in life never have a clear cut "right answer" and 'Halos, Horns and Tacos' conveys this in the humorous and unconventional scenarios that its main protagonist must face. The series tells the tale of a man named Asher whose immortal soul teeters between the light of salvation and eternal damnation. Like many of the Earth’s inhabitants, Asher has done his share of both right and wrong. After going through a bitter divorce, Asher makes some new "Taco Tuesday" friends at a local restaurant. Unbeknownst to him, the new people in his life are actually paranormal entities. Complementary forces of life and death, day and night, male and female, yin and yang. Inspired by an admixture of Mesoamerican culture, mythology, and the more traditional Christian shoulder angels. Asher’s new friends seem to have an influence over him, even at a subconscious level. The two have 6 months to determine his fate and the stakes couldn’t be higher. What will happen? Who knows? But one thing is for certain: There will be tacos.

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