Anime "The Animatrix" (2003)

    Animation movie's ratings


    " Free your mind."
    Spoken Language
    Runtime 1 hr 40 min
    Premiere: World $416 April 17, 2003
    Premiere: USA May 31, 2003
    Digital: World May 1, 2008
    Parental Advisory Violence & Gore, Frightening & Intense Scenes, Sex & Nudity, ...
    • Violence & Gore


    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Sex & Nudity


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Profanity


    Production Companies Warner Bros.Warner Bros. AnimationMadhouse...Studio 4°CSilver PicturesDNA ProductionsSquare USA
    Also Known As


    A collection of nine short films featuring stories related to The Matrix (1999).

    Сast and Crew


    Development of the Animatrix project began when the film series' writers and directors, The Wachowskis, were in Japan promoting the first Matrix film. While in the country, they visited some of the creators of the anime films that had been a strong influence on their work, and decided to collaborate with them.

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    There’s not much of the Matrix as such here, just stupidly themed spin-offs, but I liked stories number 4, 6, 7 and 8 the most, as for me, they are the most interesting. I’m incredibly tired of this matrix viewing, hmm. Now I don’t want to watch anything at all Translated to English