Movie "LOC: Kargil" (2003)

    Movie's ratings

    " Heroes do not choose their destiny, destiny chooses them"
    Spoken Language
    Runtime 2 hours
    Budget ₹400 000 000
    Premiere: World December 12, 2003
    Premiere: USA $621 103 December 19, 2003
    first day $132 975
    theaters 58
    rollout 373 days
    Production Companies J.P. Films
    Also Known As
    L.O.C. India


    Based on the real story during Kargil war fought between India and Pakistan in 1999.

    Сast and Crew


    Just like J. P. Dutta's previous war movie Border, the Indian military provided technical and material assistance during the production and filming of LOC Kargil. Weapons depicted were those used in the Kargil war, like different variants of the INSAS rifle family as well as Swedish Bofors Haubits FH77 artillery guns and BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers. Indian Air Force planes like SEPECAT Jaguars in bombing roles and helicopters like Mil Mi-17s and HAL Cheetahs were shown in casualty evacuation roles. Pakistani artillery depicted were Indian field guns and 81 mm mortars. SLRs stood in for the G3 rifles used by the Pakistan Army.

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