Movie's ratings

    853 1903



    Spoken Language
    Runtime 2 hr 38 min
    Budget $35 000 000
    Premiere: World $29 048 571 September 23, 2022
    USA $6 773 650
    Other countries $22 274 921
    Box Office – Budget – $5 951 429
    Premiere: USA $6 773 650 October 7, 2022
    first day $65 981
    first weekend $158 620
    rollout 451 days
    Digital: World November 14, 2022
    Parental Advisory Profanity, ...
    • Profanity


    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Violence & Gore


    • Sex & Nudity


    Production Companies Focus FeaturesEMJAG ProductionsStandard Film Company


    Set in the international world of Western classical music, the film centers on Lydia Tár, widely considered one of the greatest living composer-conductors and the very first female director of a major German orchestra.

    Сast and Crew

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    Friends comments and ratings


    Composer, woman, lesbian, dictator. A strong role of Cate Blanchett, a strangely complicated plot, and if you consider that the end credits are at the beginning of the film, and watching it from the end to the beginning, it will be a completely different story. I didn’t get the understatement, but the film will be favored by the Oscars. Translated to English


    Another great performance by Cate Blanchett. You can watch this movie just for her. But the movie is not for everyone. Plus, it’s over 2 hours. Translated to English


    A hypnotic, Kubrick-like cold observation of a contemporary artist. Most of all, it is reminiscent of two films by (also actor) Brady Corbett, with overtones of Zulawski’s best work. In terms of craftsmanship and scale, Thar is from another galaxy, like an entity from a Glazer movie (2013) Translated to English


    A weighty running time, which, due to the most boring action with stupid and incomprehensible dialogues, turns into excruciating torture. Apart from Blanchett’s performance, there is absolutely nothing to pay attention to here. Newsletters, dykes, feminism, coming out, women-fathers, how crazy it all is. Translated to English


    A powerful character study and a picture created as if specially for me, in which Michael Haneke (especially The Pianist), Romanian new wave, Phantom Thread by Paul Thomas Anderson and a little bit of Visconti are felt. Well, Todd Field himself, who, it turns out, is a genius. Translated to English


    The ultimate psychological production drama for lovers of classical music and the brilliant Blanchett. 2.5 hours is certainly a long time, but Blanchett’s acting, Field’s directing and fast-paced editing are damn good. And the contrasting electronic music in the credits is fire. 8.5 out of 10. Translated to English


    Filmed technically and subtly, Cate Blanchett played with impeccable dedication, but I did not have enough emotions, the movie did not involve me in what was happening, except for a few brilliant conducting scenes where the character and the film came to life and such triumphant moments seem worth going to this Translated to English


    Wonderful Blanchett in a strained drama drawn out beyond any measure. For a film about a conductor, there is not enough music and too much stuffy talk. Translated to English


    There is an opinion that a woman is a different creature and, having power and a high position, she will immediately begin to do good and justice, but Tar elegantly dispels these rumors. Power affects gender equally, turning a successful authoritarian woman into a man, and tar into a rat. Translated to English


    The long display of achievements in music and life of Lydia Tar ends with a demonstration of her rapid descent. A reflection on the themes of classical music, personality in art, and cancellation culture with the delightful Cate Blanchett. Translated to English