Movie "His Trysting Places" (1914)

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    " This is the second of the Keystone special releases. "Dough and Dynamite" was the first. (Print Ad – Tulsa Daily World, ((Tulsa, Ok.)) 8 November 1914)"
    Runtime 32 min
    Premiere: World April 22, 1916
    Premiere: USA November 9, 1914
    Production Companies Keystone Film Company
    Also Known As
    His Trysting Place United States


    Charlie’s wife sends him to the store for a baby bottle with milk. Elsewhere, Ambrose offers to post a love letter for a woman in his boarding house. The two men meet at a restaurant and each takes the other’s coat by mistake. Charlie’s wife thinks he has a lover; Ambrose’s believes he has an illegitimate child.

    Сast and Crew

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