While this series' destination and journey might not aspire to high levels of sophistication, this season does feel as if it’s hurtling towar...
SFGATE September 28, 2008 Californication in Season 2 seems like its indulging a certain person’s condition rather than illuminating the human condition, if...
The premiere is watchable but not fully arousing, often feeling as clenched, dour and indecisive as its brooding protagonist.
Empire Magazine October 19, 2017 Ironically for a show set in the smog-ridden sprawl of LA, Californication is a breath of fresh air.
Slant Magazine January 8, 2012 Kapinos’s resolve to find a fresh approach for Californication wherever it may be sacrifices some of the show’s consistent strengt...
Salon.com September 28, 2008 Even David Duchovny and his real-life sex addiction can’t save the go-nowhere story of sad sack Hank Moody.
Guardian November 12, 2009 Duchovny owns the show, injecting stylish humour as well as bucketloads of charisma and heart into his portrayal of the feckless, hapless Moody.
Newark Star-Ledger September 28, 2008 It’s hard to fight the feeling that maybe "Dexter" is a concept that has reached its expiration date.
New York Times August 13, 2007 "Californication" tries to poke fun at the hypocrisy and delusions of Hollywood, but it doesn’t have enough wit or sense of place to be very...
He’s a hard candy with a soft center, and Duchovny makes even his hedonism and violent outbursts seem forgivable, if not admirable.
Slant Magazine January 12, 2013 The season’s contrived storyline is a forced and inelegant string of events that tries to come across as serendipitous.
film.avclub.com November 17, 2018 Californication is nine parts smug, self-congratulatory, foul-mouthed snark, and one part unearned sentimentality.
Duchovny is so charmingly deadly as he takes the words of Kapinos and turns them into a kind of verbal weapon all too lacking on television, p...
That’s the great pleasure of Californication. It’s never stayed grounded for very long, even within single exchanges or encounters, let...
Guardian October 11, 2007 Fun, in a not-too-taxing, body-beautiful, image-conscious kind of way.
A caustic, sharp-edged mix of humor and drama that tiptoes along the edge of disaster but never drops into the looming abyss.
Most of "Californication," makes us want to set fire to our hair and run screaming into the street.
There’s reason to take a look at Californication and most of it its there in David Duchovny’s excellent lead performance. Fox Muld...
What makes the complacent ending sting is knowing that "Californication" was at one point a complex program with dark, human undertones and an...
He [Duchovny] delivers a tousled sort of aw-shucks Huck Finn, lighting out for erotic territories. McElhone, manages to convey the notion of a...
Boston.com September 28, 2008 I think Duchovny is still underappreciated for knocking this role out of the park. Hank Moody is convincingly gonzo, a brainy man desperate to let...
online.wsj.com August 13, 2007 Despite his nearly affectless face and inflectionless voice, Mr. Duchovny does fill the screen as Hank, forcing us to take his side whether we like...
Californication is worth taking a look at because it is funny and skuzzy and touching and occasionally genuinely erotic.
Forty-five minutes of sex usually doesn’t make me this happy.
At times, "The Unforgiven" feels desperate to reintroduce its cast by amplifying their cartoonish qualities, perhaps to offset Hank’s fa...
Sometimes sweet and wry, sometimes crass and vicious, and, though often subtle, it embraces that embarrassing title and flings itself boisterously...
New York Times September 28, 2008 The cast is too appealing to make "Californication" as genuinely distasteful as it tries to be. And at the same time the writing is too broad to ma...
Alas, the swan-song episodes is emblematic of what’s been fun about the show but also the balancing weight of what’s wrong with it, inc...
Salon.com August 13, 2007 "Californication" is reasonably charming straight out of the gate, and as the story progresses, the intelligence of the writing gains traction.
This taut [final] episode – with no sex, no jokes, and, now, no family – brings the show far beyond where it’s ever been before.
Slant Magazine April 11, 2014 The long, slow death of Californication is the final season’s unintended subtext.
If Shameless lives up to its pilot, it could fit nicely among cable’s many have-it-both-ways dramas, the ones that wink at rock bottom while...
I’m interested but not engrossed, though it offers the potential for a change-up in the Dexter storyline.
New Yorker August 13, 2007 Even charisma has limits, and Duchovny’s perfume can’t mask the unpleasant odor that emanates from "Californication."
Boston.com August 13, 2007 Never mind the cliches, because Duchovny makes his character worth watching, as he swaggers from bad predicament to bad predicament, pretending not...
Californication is flirting with incredibly interesting questions about the state of male-female relations – here’s hoping it actually g...
Salon.com January 9, 2011 If you watch this series every week, please stop. You’re just enabling it.
How lucky for Californication that it found David Duchovny, who makes the unlikeliest twists believable and the most heinous behavior forgivable.
Variety September 28, 2008 There’s a crude, unapologetic energy to "Californication" that embraces its sordid world with utter conviction.
If you haven’t got into Californication [yet], you should give it a whirl. It’s sharp, funny, sexy, wicked and the characters ...
Slant Magazine January 9, 2011 If you’re able to get past the inconsistencies of tone, the first eight episodes of the season are still a lot of black-and-blue fun, wh...