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    " Love and money… You have mixed them both."
    Spoken Language
    Runtime 2 hours
    Budget $15 000 000
    Premiere: World $378 411 362 November 12, 2008
    USA $141 319 928
    Other countries $237 091 434
    Box Office – Budget $363 411 362
    Premiere: USA $141 319 928 November 7, 2008
    first day $32 984
    theaters 2943
    rollout 415 days
    Digital: World October 1, 2010
    Parental Advisory Frightening & Intense Scenes, Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking, Profanity, ...
    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Profanity


    • Violence & Gore


    • Sex & Nudity


    Production Companies Warner Bros.PathéFilm4...Searchlight PicturesCloud Eight FilmsCelador Films
    Also Known As
    Quisiera ser millonario United States


    A teenager from the slums of Mumbai becomes a contestant on the show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati?' When interrogated under suspicion of cheating, he revisits his past, revealing how he had all the answers.

    Сast and Crew


    Screenwriter Simon Beaufoy wrote Slumdog Millionaire based on the Boeke Prize-winning and Commonwealth Writers' Prize-nominated novel Q & A by Vikas Swarup. To hone the script, Beaufoy made three research trips to India and interviewed street children, finding himself impressed with their attitudes. The screenwriter said of his goal for the script: "I wanted to get (across) the sense of this huge amount of fun, laughter, chat, and sense of community that is in these slums. What you pick up on is this mass of energy."

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    friends impressions of the movie.

    Friends comments and ratings

    A bright, pleasant British movie about an Indian or a Hindu, not the essence, who plays in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and all the selection questions are related to his difficult life. In general, this is a beautiful movie about love, and yes, there will be song and dancing at the end. Translated to English


    Tales of the peoples of the world. Volume 3. India. No, it seems to be quite good, but this excessive fabulousness, which at the end simply splashes over the edge, tired me a little. The child actors (actors?) looked great on camera. Translated to English


    This film was liked by both viewers and critics, because it is based on an easily understandable love story, and the combination of drama and the game of who wants to be a millionaire gives a sense of novelty in the style of presentation of the material. I liked the film, I recommend it Translated to English


    I remember that for me it was an unusual experience of getting to know life in India. I liked the film primarily for the way it was shot. Translated to English


    I’m surprised that such a sweet, naive and simple fairy tale for adults in a modern setting could win so many awards and be so loved by the audience. The main feature of the script with predetermination of fate is pathetic, forgive me. I only liked Boyle’s direction and the soundtrack. Translated to English

    Freida Pinto is so sweet that it’s for her sake that you want to spend time watching the film again. An attractive person. Translated to English


    Somehow I didn’t understand the joke of the film at all. Dude from India wins Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? thanks to the fact that life gave him answers to his questions. Very plausible, I believe it. How many Oscars come from? The only spoiler is that the host of the show is voiced by Dibrov. Translated to English

    And just so you understand: Slumdog Millionaire beat out The Curious Case of Benjamin Button for the Academy Award for Best Picture by a wide margin. This is absurd! Translated to English


    The difference between the first and last views is 11 years. Little (I) has matured and no longer believes in fairy tales. Translated to English


    The film is clearly overrated by both critics and the general audience. Constant flashbacks do not allow you to feel sympathy for the characters, much less worry about them. Crossing a social drama with a fairy tale is like crossing a man with a monkey, it looks like a common ancestor, but the result is a freak. Translated to English