Movie's ratings

    297 9703


    " Take the trip in Real D 3D"
    Runtime 1 hr 22 min
    Budget $40 000 000
    Premiere: World $186 167 139 August 26, 2009
    USA $66 477 700
    Other countries $119 689 439
    Box Office – Budget $146 167 139
    Premiere: USA $66 477 700 August 28, 2009
    first day $10 846 068
    first weekend $27 408 309
    rollout 133 days
    Digital: World October 1, 2011
    Parental Advisory Frightening & Intense Scenes, Profanity, Violence & Gore, ...
    • Frightening & Intense Scenes


    • Profanity


    • Violence & Gore


    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking


    • Sex & Nudity


    Production Companies New Line CinemaPractical PicturesFlipZide Pictures...Parallel Zide
    Also Known As
    Destino final 4 United States


    A horrifying premonition saves a young man and his friends from death during a racetrack accident but terrible fates await them nonetheless.

    Сast and Crew


    After the success of Final Destination 3, which was initially planned to be in 3D, Eric Bress wrote a script, which impressed producer Craig Perry and Warner Bros. enough to green-light a fourth installment. James Wong was on board to direct, but because of scheduling conflicts with Dragonball Evolution, he decided to drop out. Consequently, the studio executives opted for David R. Ellis to return because of his work on Final Destination 2. He accepted because of the 3D. For the 3D, Perry said that he wanted it to add depth to the film instead of just "something pop[ping] out at the audience every four minutes."

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    Another clone of previous films, but here at least the ending will stand out for its effectiveness. Translated to English