It’s a shamelessly biased account, as well as a seductively plausible one, although you have to keep your wits about you to get the...
MSN Movies September 29, 2010 The film swaggers with a bravado born of insecurity…
Despite the fun of the parties, the intrigue of the legal wranglings and the humour of the dialogue, Fincher and Sorkin never let us forget that we...
New York Daily News September 30, 2010 Weeks after seeing it, moments from it will haunt you.
Daily Telegraph September 28, 2010 We’re talking the internet here, so The Social Network, an analysis of events that took place all of seven years ago, is an ancient history l...
It’s astonishing that a movie mostly set in front of computer screens and in deposition rooms, a movie where the end is already known, h...
Reel Talk Online September 11, 2017 The Social Network, just like its subject, is the pop culture phenomenon of the new generation.
The film’s real achievement stretches beyond the story. When we’ve all forgotten Facebook, The Social Network will remind us what it wa...
Slant Magazine September 27, 2010 What you’re left with is a host of issues far more stimulating than the movie raising them is.
You will know The Social Network is something very special from its first scene.
Rolling Stone September 27, 2010 The Social Network is the movie of the year. But Fincher and Sorkin triumph by taking it further. Lacing their scathing wit with an aching sadness...
Newark Star-Ledger September 27, 2010 The Social Network is one of those movies that cares more about whether something "feels" real than whether it is.
Empire Magazine October 13, 2010 A rich, understated character drama that gleefully exposes the petty playground politics at the centre of one of the internet-era’s most bitt...
The Social Network is terrific entertainment – an unlikely thriller that makes business ethics, class distinctions and intellectual-property a...
ReelViews October 1, 2010 This is the 2010 Oscar season’s first drama to live up to the hype and expectations associated with it.
Arizona Republic September 29, 2010 With The Social Network, director David Fincher has come up with a movie that, in telling the turbulent story of whiz-kid Mark Zuckerberg&rsqu...
Independent October 15, 2010 David Fincher’s fast-paced business drama adopts the set-up of his 1999 film Fight Club and inverts it.
The Social Network is splendid entertainment from a master storyteller, packed with energetic incident and surprising performances.
Us Weekly September 29, 2010 The movie zips along at a quick pace, with caffeinated dialogue. Still, things get dull in the third act during the inevitable crash.
Guardian September 28, 2010 It zips along, told mostly in flashback, and communicates the pure exhilaration of this momentous social gear-change with aplomb.
The Spectator August 30, 2018 In its cold, almost forensic way, this is as tense and exciting as it is absorbing. It’s a miracle, really. October 6, 2010 A business procedural played with the intensity of a thriller and the ingenuity of a screwball comedy.
The movie’s lustrous, deep-focus frames and headlong pace are difficult to resist. Its an entertainingly cynical small movie.
Decent Films October 1, 2010 None of these ideas is revolutionary, but The Social Network embeds them in a taut, intellectually exhilarating narrative in which daredevil d...
The Atlantic October 1, 2010 [P]roof that Fincher’s directorial verve can imbue virtually any tale with urgency, be it the search for a killer or the search for a ki... September 30, 2010 It’s the classic American tale of success, power and greed, but one that’s updated for the online generation – like There Will Be...
In his first venture over to the dark side, the central performance by Jesse Eisenberg is a revelation. It’s Oscar-worthy stuff. January 13, 2017 Fincher does, at least, make decent entertainment out of such inherently unprepossessing subjects as computer use and legal hearings.
Time Out September 27, 2010 Do movies ever attempt to analyze the entire weave of life? Now they do.
USA Today September 29, 2010 Brilliantly directed by David Fincher, this provocative film probes the impetus for invention, the changing face of social interaction and the limi...
Austin Chronicle September 30, 2010 History as we know it is still unfurling, and The Social Network is that rare film that has something – not yet definitive, but certainly prov...
Everyone involved went out and made the film they were trying to make, and it’s often funny and generally captivating.
What a joy to sit in a theater and be engaged, surprised, challenged, amused.
At last, a movie you can actually discuss afterward. And not just on Facebook or Twitter. No, you’ll want to chew it over in person, with fri...
Toronto Star September 29, 2010 It may be the year’s best movie.
New Yorker September 27, 2010 Rushes through a coruscating series of exhilarations and desolations, triumphs and betrayals, and ends with what feels like darkness closing i...
indieWire September 23, 2010 Fincher makes his saga both mesmerizing and fun. Although he moves forward with a constant, pulsing momentum and never stops, in doing so he a...
Like Zuckerberg, Fincher excels at data management, delivering vast amounts of information with the utmost clarity and speed.
News of the World October 10, 2010 The Social Network is one of the movies for which 2010 will be remembered.
AV Club September 30, 2010 The Social Network sometimes relegates the actual effects of Facebook to passing lines of dialogue and offhand references. But there’s plenty...
Village Voice September 28, 2010 The Social Network’s first act is its best – a hellishly precise youth movie rattling along on a clamor of computer jargon.
Financial Times October 13, 2010 The film is almost nothing but scenes of people sitting over glowing screens, or in lawyers' offices, or in bars/diners/clubs. Yet it never seems s...
Los Angeles Times September 29, 2010 Smartly written by Aaron Sorkin, directed to within an inch of its life by David Fincher and anchored by a perfectly pitched performance by Je... October 1, 2010 [Fincher]crafts a document that analyzes who we are now and where we’re at in a way no other motion picture up to now has, and for that... September 29, 2010 On the level of craft, the movie’s just absurdly enjoyable.
Slant Magazine September 25, 2010 Fincher segments and layers his material at a pace befitting the meteoric ascendancy of Facebook itself, and without the grandstanding that&rs...
Chicago Reader September 30, 2010 Watching The Social Network, the real Zuckerberg may feel as if someone has hacked into his Facebook account and changed his profile picture.
Despite the whiz-bang topicality, the headlong intelligence, and the many sharp collegiate scenes, this new-style movie hews pretty closely to an o...
SFGATE September 30, 2010 The writing is strong, and the drama – the drama of betrayal – is ever present. September 29, 2010 David Fincher’s film has the rare quality of being not only as smart as its brilliant hero, but in the same way. It is cocksure, impatient, c...
With spectacular performances, technical elements that are beyond criticism, and the best directorial work of Fincher’s remarkable career, Th...
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