Billed as "an exciting hybrid of high school drama and giant robot battles", Sym-Bionic Titan features "the adventures of three beings from the planet Galaluna who crash-land on Earth while attempting to escape their war-torn world". The series follows the lives of Lance (voiced by Kevin Thoms), Ilana (voiced by Tara Strong) and Octus (voiced by Brian Posehn), two alien teenagers and a robot respectively in the form of humanoids living on Earth, an "identical" planet to Galaluna, while fleeing an evil general who has taken over their home planet with the help of monstrous creatures called Mutraddi. Ilana is the kind princess of the Galalunan royal family, Lance is a dark-hearted but capable soldier and Octus is a bio-cybernetic robot created by Ilana's father to protect her: all three having to now pose as normal high school students to blend into everyday life in Sherman, Illinois so Lance and Octus can conceal Ilana from General Modula (Don Leslie) and his hideous space mutants sent to kill the sole heir of Galaluna and complete his conquest.
" Check it."
Country | |
Runtime | 20 – 21 min |
Premiere: World | November 16, 2010 |
Premiere: USA | September 17, 2010 |
Channel | Cartoon Network (21:30, United States) |
Digital: World | February 28, 2015 |
Parental Advisory | Frightening & Intense Scenes, Violence & Gore |
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