Movie's ratings

    " Rain People don’t run away from their hang-ups. Just themselves!"
    Runtime 1 hr 41 min
    Budget $750 000
    Premiere: World October 7, 1969
    Premiere: USA August 27, 1969
    Digital: World June 22, 2009
    Production Companies American ZoetropeWarner Bros./Seven Arts


    When a housewife finds out she is pregnant, she runs out of town looking for freedom to reevaluate her life decisions.

    Сast and Crew


    At the time, Duvall and Caan lived with each other and were doing a few films together. Later, they and Coppola teamed for the film The Godfather.

    The film features about 2-minutes and 44 seconds of footage filmed on the streets of Chattanooga, Tennessee amid the city's annual Armed Forces Parade. A majority of the clips were shot near the main intersection of what is today Martin Luther King Boulevard and Market Street.

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