A joint BBC and BBC America production written by Richard Warlow, Julie Rutterford, Declan Croghan and Toby Finlay and directed by Andy Wilson (4 episodes), Colm McCarthy (2 episodes) and Tom Shankland (2 episodes). The series includes scenes of the seedier side of life during the late Victorian era, including bare-knuckle boxing, early pornography, and prostitution.
TV show's Ratings
" Jack’s crimes will not be forgotten."
Country | |
Runtime | 59 min – 2 hr 11 min |
Premiere: World | December 30, 2012 |
Channel | BBC Two |
Premiere: USA | January 19, 2013 |
Digital: World | November 8, 2013 |
Parental Advisory | Sex & Nudity |
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Production Companies | |