Energetic but obstinately unfunny, David Koepp’s throwback farce is a showcase for Johnny Depp at his most self-amused.
The Guardian January 25, 2015 Compared to the mustachioed gurning going on here, Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow was a study in bleak Bergmanesque understatement.
Every time Depp gave a phlegmy little stammer and jauntily uttered lines like, "I say, old bean," I wanted to bop him on the same with a...
Toronto Sun January 23, 2015 The humour is puerile and idiotic, but you may laugh out loud in spite of yourself – especially if you’re familiar with the Carry On mov...
Austin Chronicle January 29, 2015 This one’s dead on arrival.
New York Post January 22, 2015 "Mortdecai" is mortdifying, a mortdal sin of a movie that’s headed for the cinematic mortduary.
USA Today January 23, 2015 A whirlwind of horrible British accents, too much gagging and not enough good gags, and weak dialogue that, while not exactly terrible, is terribly...
Los Angeles Times January 22, 2015 Those who do find their way into this supremely silly action-mystery caper are in for a few grins if not laughs thanks largely to the deft&nbs...
"Don’t be tiresome," Paltrow tells Depp at one point. Or did I forget myself and yell that at the screen myself?
Irish Times January 26, 2015 This wilfully terrible film marks a significant juncture in Johnny Depp’s peculiar career. It is, to him, as the assassination of Archdu...
Independent January 22, 2015 Mortdecai is reminiscent of some of the wildly misfiring comedies that Peter Sellers used to make in the 1960s and 1970s – the worst of t...
Grantland January 23, 2015 Mortdecai isn’t particularly funny, but it’s also not the Pistachio Disguisey 2015 train wreck the Internet has spent the las...
Toronto Star January 23, 2015 With art-heist caper Mortdecai, Johnny Depp tries his darnedest to start a kooky Austin Powers-like franchise with a side of bumbling Insp. Clousea...
The Dissolve January 26, 2015 The jokes are astonishingly unfunny, splitting the cast between those desperate to please, and those looking to slip off with most of their dignity...
RogerEbert.com January 23, 2015 [An] absolutely bewildering waste of time, talent, energy and money.
The Guardian January 22, 2015 The poster is awful. The premise is awful. To be frank, quite a lot about it is awful …
Johnny Depp has done so much for us. Let us now return the favor and pretend "Mortdecai," a disastrously misjudged career low, never existed.
Mortdecai is an anachronistic mess that never succeeds in re-creating the breezy tone or snappy rhythm of the classic caper movies that it aims to...
It’s exactly the sort of oddball trifle, like Hudson Hawk, that tends to attract the ire of baffled audiences and grumpy critics. It’s...
Times (UK) January 22, 2015 Johnny Depp affects an accent that’s so exaggeratedly British he sounds like a one-man Pimm’s advertisement as Mortdecai, a dimwit...
Go if you’re a raging Anglophile with an afternoon to burn or you just love Depp, even at his hammiest. Otherwise, don’t point thi...
New York Times January 22, 2015 Mr. Depp’s wizardly expertise at disappearing into a character is intact. But what if that character isn’t funny and hasn’t...
Movie Mom January 23, 2015 There was no laughter, just grim resolve on the part of those of us professionally obligated to stick it out through the bitter end.
While watching this new caper, I was reminded why movies like this are called souffls in the first place: if they don’t stay perfectly aloft...
Financial Times January 22, 2015 It is not enough to fall about and do funny voices. You need a script with actual wit and verifiable verve.
Daily Telegraph January 22, 2015 It’s hard to think of a way in which the experience of watching the new Johnny Depp film could be any worse, unless you returned home af...
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