Country | |
Runtime | 28 – 31 min |
Premiere: World | January 17, 2014 |
Channel | BBC Two |
Digital: World | February 13, 2014 |
Parental Advisory | Violence & Gore, Frightening & Intense Scenes, Profanity, ... |
| |
Production Companies | |
Genre-mixing anthology series, inviting viewers into some very different and enigmatic No. 9s.Сast and Crew
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Critique: 16
It is a delight that Inside No 9 (BBC2) is "coming home" to BBC2 and that they have kicked off their run of six episodes in excellent for...
You’re never sure where you are or what you’re looking at, the cleverness and inventiveness of the writers wilfully shading into self-c...
At the risk of sounding like some awful, jargon-bound media studies lecturer – precisely the kind of person those I’m writing about migh...
This macabre tale of mental illness was the weakest installment of the year so far. Even so, the rare misfire still packed in more imaginative idea...
Each episode is a self-contained jaunt through often excruciating suspense, punctuated with bursts of humor and concluding with a twist t...
And in a time when both the anthology series and the half-hour drama are gaining steamamong critics and audiences, it feels necessary to ackno...
It is so enjoyably far-fetched and encompasses tragedy, comedy and resolution in 30 packed minutes.
Shearsmith can’t help looking shifty in most of his roles – but the writing and performances were so engaging that it hardly mattered. T...
Inside No. 9 remains a masterpiece of nearly flawless capsules that all play with format and rules in different, boundary-pushing ways.
The anthology series' uncomfortable mix of humour and horror is at times reminiscent of Psychovillean characters and tinges, but occupies a ge...
Although I could see that it was clever, I found it one of their least engaging episodes (and many, let’s be clear, are pure genius).
The best bit, when Steve Pemberton’s character described another of the referees as "Linesman Minnelli" for his habit of crying through...
Other writers really would have reached a point of exhaustion there, but Pemberton and Shearsmith also fit in references to the audience at ho...
It’s testimony to the top-notch acting and the perfectly-pitched dialogue that the 30-minute episode kept you interested right to the end.
Yes, episodes still feel overlong, but the stakes seem real again and the world genuinely terrifying, far more in keeping with the show’s Stephen K...
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friends impressions of the TV show.
Friends comments and ratings

Still the same weird and wonderful episodes, and some are scary. But the series is worth noting for its aspiration and quite different ideas in the episodes. Translated to English
Season 7
Oh, that British humor. There are not so many episodes that drag on, but the guys play great. Translated to English
Season 6
A frightening and repulsive series with two talented actors who transform into completely different people over the course of 6 seasons. And this series was no exception. They are accompanied by actor from the series Ted Lasso)) Excellent episode. Translated to English
Episode 2 (season 6) — "Simon Says"
I’m still amazed by this strange British series with a set of very strange stories. Anthology series are very popular right now. Among the strange ones I remember Black Mirror. However, Inside Issue 9 cannot be compared. What the hell is going on in every episode? Translated to English
Episode 4 — 6 (season 5)
Still a good series with its subtle English humor. The episodes are mostly interesting in the season. Translated to English
Season 8
Unfortunately, it’s time to say goodbye. Over the years, the series has delivered many pleasant moments; rare failures did not lower the bar that was set quite high at all. It’s good that you can always rewatch your favorite episodes; there were several downright masterpieces! And it’s a little sad that there won’t be new ones. Thank you 🥀 Translated to English
Season 9
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